Food Forest Revolution:
Let's invert climate change by growing food. Thanks to Moringa and a revolutionary approach
The Food Forest Program offers a concrete solution to climate change and food insecurity:
Through the use of Agro-ecology and Carbon Farming we can absorb tons of C02 while at the same time regenerate soils and increase biodiversity.
The variety of foods grown in the mini-food-forests ensure a diversified dietand a regular revenue to family farmers that look after the forests
Among the plants that grow in the Food Forests there is the Moringa Oleifera, called Tree of Miracles for its highly nutritious properties.
The leaves of Moringa are purchased from family farmers and processed into high-quality Moringa powder. The final product is sold in international markets (Europe and Asia), through a highly sustainable trade model called "Part-Ecology”.
Mazao developed an ethical and sustainable brand called FOOD FOREST and its first product called JustMoringa.
Our objective in Congo: 140 Food Forests in 2017 and 3000 in the next 3 years
The PART-ECOLOGY system entails:
A fair price paid to family farmers + 20% of the earned profit (generated by the sale of Moringa powder) employed for actions chosen by farmers in the following fields: water, energy, transport or rotating savings (Likilimba)
80% of the earned profits are re-invested to grow new Food Forests - triggering a positive feedback loop.
Products are grown following the principle of Agro-ecology and Carbon Farming: approaches that increase soil carbon and biodiversity, mitigate climate change, increase / restore soil fertility, build healthy soils that hold much more water, making crops more resilient on the face of drought.
The use of participatory learning tools and the endless sharing of knowledge with/between farmers’ groups. These approaches are used at all stages of the training and in the value chain decision making process.
It’s a holistic model, that can have a social, economic and environmental long-term impact. The core objective of part-ecology is to enhance the resilience of all eco-systems involved.
Carbon-Negative-value-chain: the overall carbon emissions released into the atmosphere (transport, packaging, energy consumption, calories employed etc) are lower than the overall amount of the carbon sequestration in the soil (through photosynthesis, biochar, etc).
Increase of biodiversity; reforestation
Increase of the degree of resilience of eco-systems (bio-diversity, water availability, drought resistance etc)
Increase of the degree of resilience of humans involved (food availability in the dry season, diversification of income generating activities, land-grabbing resistance etc).
Knowledge sharing: create the conditions to facilitate the exchange of agro-ecological knowledge among farmers
Empowerment of communities and of the most vulnerable through the use of inclusive tools
Economic :
Microeconomics: increase of the family budget and the purchasing power of farmers, ensure a regular revenue throughout the year
Macroeconomics: development of local economies (local food systems)
Increase of the value of land of each small-holder, a deterrent for land-grabbing.
Job creation: 13 people employed by Mazao to run the small Moringa processing factory
Intestato a Mazao Italia onlus | Banca Prossima, Filiale di Milano
IBAN: IT54P0335901600100000130642
C.F. 90067640103
What we need and what do you gain?
We need 30.000 Euros to launch this new business model and have a direct impact on 140 peasant families.
Thanks to the fund-raising we will:
1. Launch another 140 Food Forests in 2017 (40 were planted in 2016 through a pilot project).
In detail you will finance:
Permaculture training for 140 family farmers
Constant follow-up of Forests
Support the establishment of local supply chains
Training to the use of Moringa leaves and training to process leaves ecologically and hygienically
The construction of two solar dryers, a spin dryer and other tools to naturally process Moringa leaves
2. Production of 3000 unit packs of Moringa powder; the commercialisation in Europe and Asia. This will trigger the loop process (new production of Moringa, new forests, new actions decided by farmers according to their needs and so on)
Thanks to your help, we can show that this model works and spread it worldwide. Imagine Food Forest corridors across tropical areas, green strips of edible nature that reverse climate change and provide abundance!